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  • Using A Copywriter Can Help You And Your Business.

    What is copywriting?

    Copywriting is writing copy or content for the purpose of marketing or advertising a product or service with the goal of persuading the readers to act in a way that will benefit the business.

    Copy writers can be used to help create mailings, web page content, online advertisements, email campaigns and other internet content.  In this context often referred to as Content Writers.  However, they can also be used to write commercial scripts, press releases, white papers, brochures, postcards, sales letters and many other marketing communications, including social media content in the form of blog posts and tweets.

    Writing for the web is very different from writing for other media, tending to be more succinct than traditional advertising. Content writing on websites will include the objective of gaining higher rankings with the search engines.  Search engine optimisation (SEO) involves the strategic use of keywords and phrases on web pages and writing them in a way that the human reader would consider normal but that would also satisfy the search engines’ crawlers – a talent best left to those who know what they are doing!

    Using the services of a professional, experienced copy or content writer often pays for itself in the results it delivers.  Any copy you post on your website or send out in other forms is a reflection of you and your business and it is important that you convey quality and professionalism.  A copywriter will help you achieve that.

    Here are five reasons to use a professional copywriter:

    1. Time.  Time is Money.  Writing good content that will engage readers is time-consuming.  Best advice is to leave it to the professionals so that you can get on with doing the other 101 things on your ‘to do’ list.
    2. Clear Message Communication.  Professional copywriters know how to communicate your message across to your prospective customers.  Well written copy will impress them and help to make that sale much more likely.
    3. Copy, HOW You Want It, WHEN You Want It.  Copywriters will get the work done because that it what they are being paid to do.  It really is that simple.  Many large organisations stall on a project because there isn’t anyone who can find the time, or inspiration to write decent copy.
    4. They Can Read Your Mind.  Have you ever had a great idea but you just can’t put it into words?  A good copywriter will have the ability to translate your idea into words that will give both you and your customer absolute clarity about your product or service.
    5. Information Organisation.  This probably seems obvious but a good copy or content writer can boil down complex information into easily-digestible portions.  Vital, when prospective customers are often put off by lengthy and complicated pieces of text.

    Not all content on a web site needs to be written by someone skilled in writing copy.  After all, this would be costly.  Some content however, should definitely be written by a copywriter who can craft great content that leaves the reader in no doubt about what to do next.  Pick up the phone.  Fill out the Contact form.  Press the Buy button.  Leave feedback.  Take Action!

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    We're a digital agency based near Liverpool, UK.  We've been established since 2005.  We like to work closely with client's and value long term relationships. Our mission is to make sure our client's are squeezing the maximum from the investments they make in web based activities.

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